CISI AGM 2024 – Voting now open

This year's Annual General Meeting will take place from 10:00 to 10:30 on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at 20 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 3BY and by virtual means.

The following three Directors retire by rotation and will stand for re-election at the AGM. All have made a significant contribution to the lnstitute's affairs during their tenure and the Board believes that it is in the interest of members and of the Institute that they should continue to serve on the Board.

  • Michael Cole-Fontayn MCSI
  • Peter Moores, Chartered FCSI
  • Amyr Rocha Lima CFP™ Chartered FCSI (Financial Planning)
As a voting member of the Institute, you are able to vote, either by:
  1. Using the online form or PDF Form A to appoint the Chair as your proxy. Return Form A by email to the, to arrive no later than 11am on Friday 27 September 2024.
  2. Use PDF Form B to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend and speak at the meeting and to vote on your behalf and return the form to to be received no later than 11am on Friday 27 September 2024.
  3. Attending the Hybrid AGM meeting on 9 October 2024 and vote yourself. You will need to register your attendance using this link.

    Select a category below to receive a personalised CPD feed

    Each time you login to MyCISI we'll show a collection of the recently updated CPD matching your chosen category

      Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is of key importance to all practitioners in the financial services sector. As from 1 January 2018 all individual members of SAIS are expected to complete and record CPD.

      In order to provide all our members with the tools needed to comply with our CPD rules, SAIS has joined forces with the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment (CISI), an international professional body, to develop a joint CPD portal. This joint portal provides access to international CPD materials and over time we will adjust some of the material to become South Africa specific and add additional local material. The portal allows for the recording of CPD activities and the uploading and storing of evidence.

      Please note: This co-operative project between SAIS and the CISI does not provide you with membership of the CISI or any other CISI benefits.

      Why CPD?
      CPD is the process of learning and developing your knowledge and skills whilst you work. This shows colleagues, clients and regulators that you are committed to upholding your competence. On completion of your CPD obligations and at the end of each CPD year you will be awarded a certificate which is tangible evidence of your dedication to ongoing professionalism.

      Through this joint CISI-SAIS portal we offer you a wealth of opportunities to develop your expertise through online resources and publications, and document your progress.

      CPD of other professional bodies
      Activities of other professional bodies or training providers are admissible, but all CPD logged must be professionally relevant to the member. Members may need to demonstrate the professional relevance of an entry on their CPD log should this be requested by SAIS.

      SAIS reserves the right to decline CPD an activity that does not meet its requirements. Please email with any questions regarding the relevance of certain activities.
      Customer number:
      Membership level:
      Membership number:

      Current CPD year:     Access your CPD record
      The Institute has a network of hard-working regional committees and national advisory councils whose primary role is to support the provision of continuing professional development opportunities and social and networking events for CISI members. They are are run by local volunteers working in the financial services profession.

      View your representatives
      Gaining and Logging CPD
      The SAIS/CISI’s CPD scheme is designed to reflect professional requirements. All activities are categorised into two types of learning, referred to as structured and unstructured. The SAIS require members complete 30 hours of CPD per year, of which can be either structured or unstructured.

      CPD Categories
      CPD Scheme guide
      Completing your learning objectives & outcomes